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customer-powered growth.

Consumers want to support businesses that align with their personal values. They want to enter into a relationship with your brand, to feel that by championing your products as co-founders they are making a difference to social and environmental issues.

Grow your business with the people who determine its success. Your customers.

Your current growth challenges


‘We’re operating in an environment where business conditions are continually changing. We need a better handle on what our customers want and are constantly pushing to create value and identify viable routes to market.’

‘Traditional financing options present too much of a risk and low-cost funds are getting harder to access.’

‘We don’t know our customers. We know they’re out there and they’re buying from us but we’re not collaborating with them enough or making the most of their loyalty and engagement with what we offer.’

How you can do this with Cofndrs


Customers pre-purchase products and services by buying your branded Value Backed Coins (VBC), simple digital assets with monetary value attached. Sales of VBC provide interest-free financing, minimising your liability and creating opportunities for new product development through low-risk access to capital.
new product development

Having bought assets from you, your customers are digitally activated and primed for further involvement and engagement. They want to collaborate in the process and drive innovation in the products they have invested in. De-risk your new product development by gathering insight and advice through the Cofndrs platform from the customers who have already bought into your offering.

The forward sales of your Value Backed Coins indicate interest in your brand and demand for your future products and services. They also ensure viability and de-risk the product run. The Cofndrs platform acts as a direct-to-consumer sales channel, providing ecommerce functionality for the fulfilment of innovative new products.

Go straight to source and leverage the power of your existing customers’ digital activism through the Cofndrs platform. They are emotionally and financially invested in your brand and are therefore your best advocates. Cut out the middleman and share the value of your marketing budget directly with these engaged customers, rewarding them with VBC for referrals and other activities that increase brand visibility, word-of-mouth promotion and sales.

Get in touch to learn more about harnessing the power of your customers.

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© 2021 Cofndrs
Cofndrs is a trading name of Salt Exchange
Limited (company number 11194771)
with its registered office at International House,
24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN.